Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Finally, the temperatures are warm enough to do some planting. Sometimes, it is overwhelming because it all happens at once. 

The green houses are full of a kaleidoscope of colors and the ground is finally warm and crumbly. I hope you all enjoy your day in your garden whether you're sitting and resting or working very hard. Blessings
Good morning friends of Rusty Nail Gardens.  This is a great day to soak up the sun and get dirty in the garden. We put up the canopy on the deck so we can take a rest break.  The deck still needs cleaning, but not today.  Enjoy the day.

May Tulips

Finally, we remembered to plant fall tulips and so glad we did. 

We picked up a few bags at Menards one frosty, fall evening last year.  Our local seed store also had some nice quality bulbs so we grabbed the reds and yellows. They add so much color to a baren spring landscape. We will definitely plant more this fall.

Monday, August 21, 2017


The end of an era.  Auction Day.  A local farm family once raised their kids on this central Illinois farm.
I attended this auction to pay my respects to the majestic barn before it crumbeled to the ground.
No one cared to restore it, and as I write this the barn is in a heap on its foundation.

Along with it some authentic pieces of history. That is why two of the bidders came from a famous tv show, hoping to acquire the old gas pump.

It makes my heart ache to see this wonderful barn falling apart with each season.

The beams were notched and fitted.

The dumpster was overflowing with junk not worth auctioning.
However,  I spotted something and grabbed a broom handle to retrieve it.

No, there was no rainy day fund inside the can.

The cattle chute was wobbly and dry rotted.

                       Someone's bike.  Feed pails from the barn and machine shed.

Was the tree as old as the barn?

   * famous tv personality *

                                                 Original linoleum and wallpaper upstairs. 

                                                   Porcelain fixtures with pull cords.
                                                   More wallpaper and  linoleum in the bedrooms.

                                      AND HERE IT IS..............DRUM ROLL PLEASE.................
                                                    A MOBILE GAS PUMP

Leaning outbuildings.

The rafters are so pretty, all set with a keen eye and a hammer and nails.

Alwasy keep a few extra nails on the window ledge.

An old leather strap for a shed door pull.

I wonder what he is thinking?  Been a long time since I used one of these.
I think we are about the same age.

                                                                     I love this picture.

                                                   Listening to the banter of the auctioneer.

                                             This is how I felt when they called "SOLD"
The end.