Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Ugly Hands

June 20, 2012
One would think there would have been plenty of time to blog since March.  I'm sure Martha Stewart would find time, but I sure couldn't.  When I did have five or ten minutes to rest from pulling weeds, I did just that.  Plopped down on the bench beside our pond, and caught my breath.  Illinois seems to have prolific weeds.  I mean I can pull them today and I swear in two days they are back and brought friends.

 Weeds can grow in the most uncommon places; in sidewalk cracks, in rocks, under rocks and between rocks, in gutters, even in the fire pit.  I can't seem to just go for a walk through my gardens or over the hill because I am compulsed to bend over and twist the little buggers out by their torso.  Even if I do not get the roots at least I have ruined their day.  Once I tried spraying them with vinegar because that had worked for a friend of mine.  They did begin to turn a faint shade of yellow but they got a second wind.  Sometimes I gas up the Stihl weed eater and whip them to smitherines.  Shreds cling to my jeans, shoes, shirt, my face and smear my glasses.  After a few weeks of regular shredding they seem to be afraid to stick they fearful heads up at the moment.

Actually, some weeds almost fool me.  Last night I surveyed one in the bed by the road.  It is probably a weed because it is so lush and bushy and green, but I can't be sure it's not a flower that might yet bloom.  I am keeping a close eye on this one with daily evaluation.  The whispy plume at the top could be the beginnings of a flower or not.  Time will tell. 

I get so tired and sore from bending that I often weed with my little spade.  I skim across the top of the earth, which is dry as a bone right now.  I have to sharpen the spade frequently.  In fact, it's much shorter than it was when I first bought it.  All the little weeds that I cut are diced up into a weedy mulch and spread to the side to be mowed over with the lawn mower.  Occasionally, I'll dig a deep root and get that bugger out of there.  It's a quick fix that works for me.  I feel like I've made an attempt.

I wear brown cotton work gloves when working.  However, the dirt still silts through the glove and into the cracks in my hands and under my nails.  It seems I can never get my hands clean.  All the women at work have these soft, beautiful hands and nails, and then there's mine.  I have tried Lava soap, bleach, lemons, spray and wash, and on and on.  I just have ugly hands.