Saturday, March 16, 2013

Well Hello There


This week we had several inches of rain with spring temperatures in the high thirties.
I inspected the early plants to see if any had awakened and popped their "widdle" heads from under their winter blanket of leaves.
 This Dianthus woke up!  It is becoming a darker color than it was over the winter.
Is there a deer under those antlers?  This is my dear Norway Spruce.
These are about 6 years old.  These candles are the new growth for this year.
Each spring the trees grow about a foot in the spring.   (Yes, I know I have to saw the post tops....thanks for reminding me.)

Our beloved, beautiful, abundant, botanical, bojangled, biodegradable, blue Iris are growing a few green leaves already.
.....dis is one ov my vlue vots dat ve turned over vuring da vinter
so it vould not vreeze.

                                                                   and anodder von

and anodder two

                                         This is Mother-in-law tongue.............get the idea?
Hm, should I pick these and put them in salad?
Should I pull them off and drown them?
Should I plant them?
Should I leave them alone?  Yes
I don't know what they are but there are a ton of them on the
Harvey Walker Walking Stick Tree.  Maybe they are little walking canes.
Buds that wintered on my brother's Magnolia tree.
It will be beautiful soon.

Sorry this is fuzzy, but actually they "are" fuzzy.  So you should really thank me
for showing them fuzzy.  If you begin to feel fuzzy lay down and take a nap.
I think I will.  Dig it.


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