Wednesday, November 27, 2013


God bless all my friends on this special holiday.  Especially new friends I met the past week at shelters, who are suffering from tornado destruction. 

We spend Thanksgiving morning watching the parade on TV, snacking and drinking coffee in our pj's on the couch with a dog or cat next to us.

This Thanksgiving we are dining at a nice restaurant in Peoria.  Cloth napkins and all the extra silverware that I don't know when to use!
I plan to take a few zip locks along in my purse.  I hate to waste food.

All the Rustynail animals will get fed a little more than usual, and they might get some extra treats too.  I have a new recipes for frozen Pupsicles, made with yogurt and honey!  Dog-gone good.

Blessing to you.  May the Grace of God be with you.  Amen

Pass the turkey!   turkey photo: Turkey's cooked PC250216.jpg

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Today, I fired up the tractor because it has not been running for a month or so.  It gets the diesel fuel moving and charges the battery.  I scooped up some logs that need to be burned and moved them to the campfire pit.
My Ford tractor is named Roger, after the man I bought it from.
My previous 1963 tractor was named Bob.
Don't worry, Dennis was there every second with the dogs so they did not get in the way.
Plus I was creeping along at about 3 mph.  I moved about three buckets of wood.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


Once upon a time, forty nine years ago, I wrote a poem in school about the fall colors.
Today, I thought of that  poem as we drove around looking at the fall colors.  This is how it started.

In fall the leaves turn brown and red,
Falling down they make a bed.
and that is all I remember........
Can anyone offer a few lines to finish this poem?  I would greatly appreciate your help.
Maybe these pictures we took today will inspire your creativity.
We started today in Green Valley, Illinois.

                                                    I think Monet painted this tree.


Pretty little tree growing beside a farm fence.

                                                          Now we are in Pekin, Illinois

The stones are a nice touch to this Burning Bush.

Oak lined street.

Now we are in Sunset Hills, Pekin.

                                                               Beautifully shaped.

                                                                 The Mighty Oak

                                                                     A Birch Tree


                                                 Pekin Insurance Grounds on Court Street

                                            Good morning sunshine, the earth says hello.

                                           Pekin High School trees along Parkway Drive

                                                                     A closer look.

The corner of Parkway Drive and Broadway, Pekin, IL

                          Love this street lined with Burning Bushes next to the golf course.

This road is near my house.  Doesn't it look like a nice place for a walk or a bike ride?

See the deer path that goes toward the oak tree?  It is in the field next to my house and is heavily traveled. 

I also feel heavily traveled.  I did not know I could get tired from taking pictures, but I did.
The sun is setting and we are hungry.  Bob Evans here we come.

Oh, did you come up with some lines to the poem?  Please share.