Wednesday, November 27, 2013


God bless all my friends on this special holiday.  Especially new friends I met the past week at shelters, who are suffering from tornado destruction. 

We spend Thanksgiving morning watching the parade on TV, snacking and drinking coffee in our pj's on the couch with a dog or cat next to us.

This Thanksgiving we are dining at a nice restaurant in Peoria.  Cloth napkins and all the extra silverware that I don't know when to use!
I plan to take a few zip locks along in my purse.  I hate to waste food.

All the Rustynail animals will get fed a little more than usual, and they might get some extra treats too.  I have a new recipes for frozen Pupsicles, made with yogurt and honey!  Dog-gone good.

Blessing to you.  May the Grace of God be with you.  Amen

Pass the turkey!   turkey photo: Turkey's cooked PC250216.jpg

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