Saturday, February 22, 2014


I have know Suzy Bogguss since the late 1970's  and I recently had the opportunity to attend her latest cd opening party in Nashville.  Here are a few pictures from the event.

Is this her body guard?  

Sharing stories.

Suzy opened the gift I made for this occasion.  Her album is titled Lucky, so I framed a few good luck charms for her. 
Why did my eyes close at the exact moment of the flash?

Uh, I don't know if Dennis should be getting lucky tonight............

What is this weird eye trick Mary?

I can't talk with caramels in my mouth.
So I will use hand signals.

This room is the VIP room with leather couches, complimentary wine and beer of all kinds, yummy hot finger foods, and a small stage for intimate affairs. It was good to catch up, tell stores, and hear her beautiful voice.  We even got to step into the dressing room where Suzy was still joking with friends, band members, and Suzy's sister was there.

 At 8:00 pm Suzy performed for the public at the venue called "3rd and Lindsley" with her band and several female guest singer/songwriters.  

Matraca Berg and Gretchen Peters

                                 See you Someday Soon, Suzy.

Friday, February 21, 2014


 The road ends here.  As you can see, the township plowed my road again this week.  I commend them on keeping this narrow, dead end road clear this winter. 

 There is no room to turn the monster plow around, so Terry has to back the truck down the road. Often, at 3:00 am or so, I hear the beep, beep, beep of the snowplow as it backs down the hill.  The yellow caution lights flashing through my curtains.  Sometimes, if I am awake when Terry comes by, I turn on the porch light to signal a big THANK YOU.  

 The sun rising in the east.

 The long hill Terry backs down.

A glimpse of the back yard, and lots of dog prints.

Th front yard, which is the bird feeding station.

The Tally Ho Tahoe has not moved in a month.  

As Johnny Cash said, "the piles got higher" or was it "the ring of fire", or was it hire the elderly, or did he hear the snow plow a comin' round the bend, near the prison.  Or all of the above?

 ,,,,was it "Lex-us entertain you".
Or maybe it was "Daddy sang base while Momma sang with Ben-Hur"

You know I could do this for hours don't you?

Zip it.