Tuesday, August 26, 2014


Last night I was watering flowers and noticed the Concord Grapes were bursting with color.
This time of year, the night shift critters have usually picked the vines clean.  I ran really fast to the kitchen for a container and began picking grapes.

Next, I had this flash from the past of a fall day in Galena when my high school friends and I were in a grape stomping contest.  Let me tell you grapes are slippery, and  cold, and they turn your legs purple. 
 But I am not making wine with these grapes.  Nope, these will be cooked and poured into cute little jelly jars.  Then smeared on warm rolls drenched in butter.  Yummy.

                              Here is my right hand "paw" helping me with the harvest.

 I only have one grape vine but it is a doosy, hanging over the fence and on the ground.

By the way, it is almost dark again.  I never get to garden in daylight, except at my day job, inside, behind a desk, tied to my chair, whipped daily, and spat upon.  Ok, you know I am kidding.
I love my job.

 And I love these grapes! 

                                                     Hey, that is not a grape!  But it is ripe.
                                                               I ran to get another bowl.

I am not making jelly or wine with these tomatoes.
But I could cook some mean tomato sauce.

The hens were clucking as they jumped up on the roost.
I looked in on them.  More eggs!
No, I am not  making egg jelly or wine from these eggs.
It's been fun harvesting the fruits of my labor.
It's also been fun laboring over the harvest.
And fruiting over the fun.

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