Friday, January 24, 2014


When I bought Rustynail Garden, in 2005, there was one wild kitty living here.  A female.  She had several litters of kittens before I could trap her and have her, and her offspring, altered.  Momma and two of her kitties still live here, but two of the three are wild.

Scaredy Cat has become a very friendly fellow.  His brother Doobie is quite the opposite.  All the cats come home to eat morning and night, but only Scaredy Cat craves attention and a good scratch.  The other two keep their distance.....until recently. 

I was not going to leave them outside during these recent blizzards.  When very hungry, the cats will come up to the spot I set the food.  I get one chance to grab, and I better not miss.  I managed to grab Momma.  At the next meal I grabbed Doobie.  I put all three in the heated garage with food, water, litter, and some pillows.

Doobie was frantic.  He yowled, dug at the door, and hissed.  Momma hid.  They had not been confined inside with three dogs before this.  Jazz is harmless inside her kennel, but she does bark to greet everyone.

Scaredy did not mind the nice warm garage at all.  After a day inside at 60 degrees, with the wind howling outside at zero degrees, they all seemed much happier.  I took pictures as I talked to them.   Doobie acts like an old farm cat (he is the grey cat).  I am shocked at the difference in him.

Here is Doobie first inside, hiding under the work bench in the litter box, wide eyed.

 Then I set the food on the work bench and he came out of hiding.

Then he posed for this picture; but those wide eyes are a sign he is on alert.

Full tummy, soft blanket, nice warm shelter.  He is beginning to like this!

Animals just seem to know when your are helping them. 

                                                 Scaredy Cat.  Relaxed, purring, happy eyes.
 Please turn the light off, we are trying to take a cat nap.


Monday, January 6, 2014


 Would you let this man in your house to get warm?  Neither would our dogs!
Jessie and Jamie bounced off the couch when this man walked in the door.  Jazz knew who it was so she just wagged her tail in excitement. I did too - knew who it was I mean.  I did not wag my tail.

It is so flipping, dipping cold that we have to bundle up so no skin is exposed.  Central Illinois is closed.  Almost every office, school, business, non-business, and monkey business is closed.  Kroger is open.  So is Walgreens.  The high temperature as I write this is -9. 
Can you believe Dennis is on his way to the nursing home to visit his mom dressed like this?
I wonder if his mother will let him inside to get warm?

Sunday, January 5, 2014


There have been many years when I packed up the Christmas decorations by New Years day.
However, this year was crazy busy.  We were decorating our tree at 3 a.m. Christmas morning. 
It has only been up 13 days, so I am not ready to take it down yet.  Maybe next week.
I did find some wonderful decorations Christmas Eve at Hobby Lobby - 66% off!
I got some deals! 

This little basket is a family piece, still being enjoyed after many years. 
My friend, Evon, gave me this table decoration.  I love the ribbon! 
The red hutch was decorated with snowmen, and a dog! 
The snowflake picture was made by artist Ann Prichard.
I had to wrap some garland around the light.
The wreath was hand made by the ladies at the Red Barn Tree Shop in Morton.
They are so talented.  
What's this?  Who is this?  It is Dennis and his granddaughter!
Nice feet!
Evie got a new zebra sweater from Santa.
"Ok fine, I'll wear it for awhile." 
Merry Christmas to all.