Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Rustynailgarden On The Road

On The Road
August 14, 2012

For months we have been trying to get away for a day trip.  Something always comes up and prevents us from hitting the road. Sometimes they are planned things and sometimes not.  For me, if it's above eighty degrees it's too hot to go anywhere because the car might overheat, the dogs might get thirsty, the sun might melt my house..............anything can happen.  Usually it is things like birthdays, social engagements, I'm too fat, my hair looks awful, and I'm too fat........

A week ago, I took the pencil and wrote on the calendar, "Galena".  So all week we made plans and got pumped up.  We lined up a dog sitter, read the Galena, Illinois web site, checked the directions of a couple other places to travel and with that momentum building we got out of town.

Saturday had to be the most beautiful day we have had all summer.  Perfect!  Everyone else must have thought the same thing and they all met us in Galena.  It was very busy with shoppers, husbands following shoppers, and kids following husbands following shoppers.  There were a few dogs too.
Like these cuties.  The husband was off to the left side. 

Well, I do not enjoy shopping myself, but I did become very interested in the flowers along the street and in front of the shops.  Every block had displays of urns and beautiful arrangements.  Like these in front of the winery entrance.  We had to try the wine.

Some pots had beautiful trailing flowers.
    Some were high.
                             Some were low.

Some were odd but friendly.  Doesn't this guy look happy?  He makes me smile.

Peace man.

If you can find a pen, choose a Saturday on "your" calendar, to take a nice drive along the river to Galena, Illinois.   Don't forget to take a carriage ride from our friend Chris and his black Percheron, King.  You can take an apple along for King.  Take one for Chris too :)  Giddy up!

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