Friday, August 31, 2012


August 31, 2012

Can you feel it?  It is out there.  I feel it at dusk, by the edge of our timber and in the mornings when I take our dog outside for a ‘squirt’.  (That’s what we call it, sorry).  I don’t feel it yet during the day, only at night, but it is almost here.  That change in temperature after the sun sets and when it begins to rise in the morning.  Fall is getting closer.  I think she is just down the road and around the curve.

Actually I am going to open my front door and say, “Hurry up, fall, and cool us off.  Welcome.”  This has been a rough summer for people, animals, gardens, bugs, rabbits, grass, ants, hummingbirds, and most living creatures around here.  I think I’ll get the broom and try to sweep some of summer out the back door (along with some dog hair) to make room for fall.

This week I looked at the drooping, dried up sunflowers growing around my telephone pole.  (By the way I don’t have a telephone but the pole has to remain in the yard, so I decorate it).  They looked so tired and bent.  They made my back hurt.  I grabbed the loppers Sunday morning, while still in my pj’s, after Jazz’s “squirt” and cut the stalks back.   It was time. 

It is also time for the annual “clean out the shed and make room for the lawn ornaments” celebration. Dennis was a dear and hauled his horse buggy home to make room in my shed for storing things this winter.  We do not have a horse, but he has two beautiful, hand crafted buggies, just in a case a horse drops in one day, I guess.  Now do not laugh.  Shortly after I moved to Rusty Nail Garden (it was then called “What the Heck”) we had a stampede!  Two wild horses came running from the cornfield next door, through the neighbor’s front yard, and clip clopped down the road at a furious gallop.  We soon learned the neighbor around the bend owned the horses, and they escaped for a little outing.  So, we might end up with a horse someday.  Bacon the pig dropped in a month ago! (another neighbor’s)

Where was I?  Who knows.  One story leads to another and your mother and I get confused.   You would too!  Enjoy the onset of fall.  I am!


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