Friday, January 18, 2013


January 18, 2013

I made reminder notes to myself with great intentions to tell you about closing up our pond for winter, gathering up all lawn ornaments to store inside, and planting a few spring bulbs to surprise us in April.

If you managed to accomplish some spring preparedness, I'm very proud of you.  Please tell me how you did it. You are my hero. Our yard went from this warm day...... 

                                                   to this frozen tundra.................way too fast.

Removing the pond pump:

Winterizing the pond is always a melancholy event at our house. Through the winter, Dennis and I miss the sound of the rushing water over the rocks. We say goodbye to the frogs as they pack their bags and head to Arkansas. We pull the pump from the pond and take it in the basement for storage.

I scrub the pump with a brush and spray it with the garden hose. Then I place the pump inside a 5 gallon pail and fill the pail with water. The water keeps the seals from drying out over the winter.   It is stored in the basement.  Of course it is a lot less work if you carry the pump to the basement, then carry a pail of water to the basement. Don't put the water and the pump into one pail and carry it down the stairs.  The waves in the pail start to sway as you walk down the stairs and some of the water crashes over the side and onto your pant legs and the steps. I'm just could happen. Wear protection! 

Our fishies: Deuce, Whitey, Stubby, etc.

The goldfish are tolerant of Midwestern winters. In fall, we feed them a lower source of protein as their bodies adjust to the cooler temperatures. Once the water is fifty degrees we stop feeding until spring. When the pond begins to ice over we add an aerator and place a heater near the deep end. This assures the pond will not freeze over and allows the pond gasses to escape.  I relate this to your sibling who "passes gas" and pulls the covers over your head.................I'm just sayin'.  You get it now, don't you?

The fish begin to move slower and slower as it gets colder, until they become suspended......I call it the “fish trance.” They are feeling very s-l-e-e-p-y and remain that way until spring. Actually, I am feeling that way too.  So I'll just hang out here with my head on the keyboard until next timeeeeeeee.  No, don’t pull the covers over my head!  Ewwwww.

                                        This is the "dog trance".......

Dig it,

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