Sunday, January 20, 2013


This year, we moved the bird feeders to the front yard.  I can see them much better from our living room window and office window.  How do the birds keep those iddy-biddy-widdle-wegs warm?  It amazes me.

We feed a mix of fruit and nut and also oiled sunflower seeds.  They devour the dried fruit with nuts.  It smells so good I could almost devour it with granola.  It smells like almonds to me.

The beautiful red cardinals feed early morning and before dusk.  One afternoon there were sixteen around one of the feeders.  I would not lie to my best friend..........honest there was. Our cats sit in the window and chatter and twitch their tails.  The dogs also watch from the window.

                   Sorry, I don't have a picture of my camouflage pajamas and twigs in my hair.

                      What a cutie with red dot and speckles.  I will name him "SPOCK".  I have no idea        why.  It's just a good name.

            Notice the orange baling twine holding up the feeder.  I could not survive without it.

                                  I think I'll name the two above Mr. and Mrs. Dither.

                                                       ....the Triplets.

Today I tried to snap some pictures.  I snuck outside and hid on the front steps in my camouflage pajamas with branches in my hair.  I didn't fool them.  They noticed me.  So I went inside and peeped through the front door.  I took some pictures but the birds were shy.  Only a few at a time would come to the feeder.

Then I took some pictures through my dirty windows.  See if you can tell the difference.  Feel free to be honest about this.  I am comfortable in my own dirty house. You won't hurt my feelings.

Thank you God of Birds and all things with feathers and  camouflage........  You made my day.

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