Wednesday, January 23, 2013


HERITAGE FARMER’S MARKET an old fashioned gathering place.
January 23, 2012

Our weekly treat is to have lunch down the road at the local Farmer’s Market.  Our friends, Doug and Donna run the farm to fork market and restaurant.  Doug raises the beef and pork.  Donna is a veterinarian skilled in monitoring the animal’s health (including Doug’s health).  Chef Wanda prepares the best au gratin potatoes this side of Heaven.
Cheryl raises hundreds of chickens and turkeys; the juiciest, most flavorful, this side of Mars.  (I couldn’t use Heaven twice.)  The grocery shelves are filled with local milk, honey, jams, homemade bread from The Abbey, all the best this side of Pluto.  (I couldn’t help it).
This is The Heritage Farmer's Market, Rt. 9, Pekin, Illinois.  Try shopping here for your fresh groceries.

image of storefront

Everyone is greeted with a “How you doin’ ” or “Hey, nice to see you.” Barn siding lines the walls, an antique ice box and round oak tables decorate the eating area. Pictures of Doug’s cattle are displayed on the walls. My favorite room is the bathroom! Its all countrified with toy tractors and a pair of red long johns hanging on a hook. Take your camera!
Doug visits with customers sharing stories about his week of feeding cattle, driving tractors, hauling hay, and of course the weather. Bankers, moms and kids enjoy his stories about a life I have missed for many years.

This week, Doug told about a momma cow that came charging toward him in the pasture. She stopped, looked back over her shoulder, and trotted back to where she came from. Doug and his dog, Breaker, followed her. She led them to a steep ditch and he saw a newborn calf at the bottom with its front leg stuck in the ice. Doug crawled down the bank, lifted the calf up, and carried it to its momma. Be aware this scenario was very dangerous. The cow could have charged him at any time. Doug called this his “Lassie moment.” The cow was grateful for his help and since then she has been friendly in the pasture.
Living life at “ground zero” so to speak, one on one with the elements of nature, keeps a person real. Going to The Heritage Farmer’s Market is my church of choice. People share a respect for each other and help one another. This is how I was raised. I feel nourished physically and spiritually at Doug and Donna’s Heritage Farmer’s Market, Pekin, Illinois.


Below is a photo of the Kilgus Farmstead milkcows eating lush green grass.  Love the chocolate cows...........and their chocolate milk!


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