Saturday, December 14, 2013


I would like to show you the beautiful holiday table my friend created. 
Good china set on silver chargers!  Salt and pepper shaker ornaments.  Fine linens.
This chick loves glass, glitter and giggles.  She is lots of fun.
Floating candles and cranberries in a fluted bowl.
Ah, the tea and cookie station.  Mercy Me. 
Decorations galore. 

Three Wise Men?  Oh I get it, they are our blind dates for the party.
This is the last year for this vintage, white Christmas tree.  But don't worry, it is spoken for already! 
By Me!
I love this tree.  I might leave it up all year long. 

My friend's mother hand painted this Nativity.  The detail work is beautiful.
I admire her skill and patience.  I don't have the skill to paint my toes!

I was not kidding you!  Every brush stroke was carefully placed. 

Frosty, go outside before you melt!  Are you trashed again?
 An angel collection...except for the dogs and birds.

 I see you!


 This red scarf accents another pretty setting.  It also does something else, can you guess?
You might want to try this at your cookie is hiding a pile of papers and stuff!
I never would have guessed!  However, I would need a tarp to cover up my piles.
 John Wayne loves cookie exchanges.   Would you like some tea John?  Please take off your spurs.

Have yourself a Merry Christmas Little Lady.  See you back at the ranch.


1 comment:

  1. Mary, you made my humble abode look beautiful, you definately have a wonderful talent!!! I was very happy you could attend!!!!!! Merry Christmas dear friend!!!
