Sunday, December 15, 2013


Somewhere tonight, there is a bird with one very cold leg and one warm leg.  Let me explain.

Saturday morning we woke up to the most beautiful snow covered landscape.  It was a live version of a Terry Redlin limited edition. I jumped out of bed and grabbed the camera.  Oh, and I pulled on my jeans.  This was the day I had been waiting for.  Our first snow.  The earth was quiet and still.  At least until everyone started shoveling and getting their cars and bicycles out of the snowdrifts. 

I let the dogs out and snapped photos of them playing in the snow.  As I walked around, I took pictures of the snow covered branches, including this little birdhouse in the Dogwood tree.

This evening I poured a hot coff of cuppy..........cup of coffee and reviewed the photos on the laptop.  I noticed something unusual in the picture of the birdhouse.  Do you see it?

The birdhouse has a tail.
 I zoomed in.
Is that a sock?  Is Dennis playing tricks on me?  I did not pull my jeans on, but again I ran outside in my pj's, in the dark, and stuck my hand under the birdhouse.  It felt like a sock.  I pulled.
Yep.  A sock. 
Dennis said the Midwestern Sockeater must have tried to make a nest in the birdhouse.
I ran through a checklist in my head trying to figure this out.
a. How long has it hung in the tree?
b.  Where did the birdhouse come from?
c. Did I buy the birdhouse at Goodwill or did Myrtle give it to me?
d.  Does someone need their sock back?
e. Dennis said it is not his sock.
f.  It is not my sock.
g. There is a bird out there tonight with a cold leg.

The heel was worn thin.  I googled "birds that eat socks" and sure enough I found it yourself if you don't believe me.  This came from the Urban Dictionary.

"Sock Eater
A mythical creature that lives only to eat socks, and leaves a trail of odd pairs in its wake. Sightings of this elusive creature are rare and unsubstantiated. It's habitat is thought to be somewhere between the sock drawer and the washing machine. Other theories place the sock eater closer to the tumble drier, but this is thought unlikely, as socks can go missing even when left hanging to dry."
I guess Dennis was right. 

Do you have holes in your socks?  No?  Then how do you get your feet in? 



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