Monday, July 14, 2014


Last Saturday, we drove to the Peoria Riverfront Farmer's Market.
Weekly during the growing season, vendors sell their produce, baked goods, and even crafts from tents set up along the Illinois River. 

This is a retired man who make stained glass pieces with his wife.

Dogs are welcome too.

Women in summer dresses, moms pushing strollers, and an old couple holding hands.............oh, that was us!  It's a friendly atmosphere.

As we looked at each display, my wheels began to turn.
Little did I know Dennis's wheels were turning too.  We were coming to a similar conclusion.  I studied the fresh flower and herb arrangements. 

Tired of walking on the cement and getting hotter as the temperature rose, we opted to head over to our favorite coffee shop in Peoria Heights.  We rested and shared our thoughts on the market. 

We both agreed we have some nice, established, flowers blooming in our garden and it might be fun to try selling them for profit.
The wheels continued to turn. 

Dennis found some great books on raising flowers for profit and I began to cut flowers and put them in tubs in the basement to see how well they kept during the next week.  I contacted a friend, who is a horticulturist, for advice.

This past Saturday, we took our flowers to Heritage Farmer's Market in Tremont.  I arranged them on the table and priced them.
This first trial run was actually very helpful.  I was challenged by several tasks.  Should I gather flowers together by color or by size?
Which colors look best together.  How many leaves do I cut off?
Ew.......ants on my table!

I experimented with throwing in some variegated leaves from my trees and bushes.  It was fun!

It was also difficult to keep Cupid from eating the greens.  I had to put him in another room.

This is our display.  We will have more flowers next week.
Buy A Posey For Your Rosey. 




Tonight I planted more flowers. 

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