Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Love the colors of these fun pots.  Dennis picked them up to add a punch to our back yard.
We put them several places, and then I found this wire stand at a little shop.
I told everyone I got it for 25 cents at a garage sale......I lied.
But I felt better telling people that!

Just down from the pots are these blooming Clematis.
Holy Clementine Batman, look at those flowers.

"Pick me, pick me."
No, I can't pick any they are just too pretty right where they are.

I think all women named  Clementine should plant Clematis.  Just because.

But if your name is Taylor, or Reba, or Trisha you can have someone plant them for you.

I am just plain old Mary.  I had the little lamb.  I was also the Mother of a holy figure,  but my figure is far from holy or anything.  But I do wear holey underware on occasion.   See you later.

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