Saturday, June 7, 2014


Last Saturday we took Jazz for a ride and ended up at the nursery, of course.

I found these little shrubs on the sale table.  They were marked down because they were not healthy when they first arrived at the nursery.

I felt so bad for the little fellas that I adopted them.
This open spot  needs a little privacy screen in winter.
I'll take a chance and see if they fill out in a few years.

The trees behind the bush are about 6 years old and 6 feet tall now.

I know you are thinking the same thing Dennis is, "You have too much jammed together in the front yard."  Well my response to that is, "I know how to use a saw." I can cut something down if I choose to do so.  But I won't.
If you drive by on June 2nd, 2024, check out the three tall shrubs. 

These Spirea suckers were sprouting up under another bush by the garage.
I dug them up and soaked them overnight. 

 Tomorrow I might put them in this new planting area I am working on.
Hopefully, they will add some pizazz to the end of the road someday.

                                                       Honk if you love my rock!

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