Sunday, June 1, 2014


Our spring ritual is to visit Hornbaker Gardens in Princeton.
As you can see this tree has a sold sign on it.  I phoned ahead and reserved a Tri Colored Beach.  It is now outside my back door.

In spring, the pond needs to be refilled with clean water.  We run the hose an hour at a time so we do not drain the well.

 The pond grasses are coming to life now that the days are warmer.

Baby Hyacinth.

New growth on the Norway Spruce.

 Tulips hugging.

Many of our flowering trees had difficulty blooming this year.

This Oak is doing just fine.  It is 3 years old now.

 A one year old Crabapple.

Dennis decided to get come cobble stones when they were on sale at Menards.
Here we picked them up and hauled them home.

 Display sample.

Luckily they had more than just this pallet.

Fill her up!

 97, 98, 99 or was that 95, 96, 97?

I also had a little rejuvenation.  This is low lights in the back of my hair. 

I hope you are experiencing spring in your heart and garden, and hair!

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