Sunday, June 8, 2014


The chicken house has been white for a long time.  I think it needs to be jazzed up.
I bought a quart of yellow to test and see how it looks.

 I think this will be just fine.

Now the quart is gone so I need to buy a gallon of old yeller.
And I also need to buck up and lay some bricks down for a small approach.
I have been putting it off for a long time because it "hurts".
Laying bricks hurts my back, my legs, my thighs, and every other part of my body.
Dennis tilled this spot for me.  I have planted three tomato plants and a border of marigolds.
Pekin, IL is the home of the late Senator Everett Dirksen, so we are honoring him with his chosen marigolds.  Why?  I really don't know.  We just are.

                                                                         Old Everett.

 The tomatoes are staked, marigolds are watered, the bricks are in a pile by the shed, and I am off to buy more paint.  Oh wait, it is midnight.  I think I'll go tomorrow.



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