Monday, June 2, 2014


I was planting tomato plants in front of this row of trees last night.
I looked up at our dog, Jessie, who was standing on her tip toes trying to see inside this evergreen.
I did not see anything.
But Jessie smelled something deep inside the tree.
Take a deep sniff............can you smell it?
Look closer, can you see it?
Do you see two blue eggs and two bald birdies?

 I doubt if they are 24 hours old, maybe 23 hours.

I bumped the tree and now they think I am going to feed them!

Their mother was in the tree above me, watching.
I quietly planted the last tomato and left.


Tonight, 24 hours later, there was one egg that had not hatched.  Three baby birds are huddled together.  Maybe tomorrow it will hatch.

Isn't Mother Nature miraculous! 
This is Momma Robin high up in the tree.  She is scolding me with every four letter chirp she knows.
I better go now.

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