Sunday, October 27, 2013


Once a year we make Cowboy Beans.  We put on our cowboy hats and chaps and spurs ....
I'm kidding.  First, we fried a pound of bacon and let the bacon drain. 
Then we opened our favorite kinds of beans in 16 oz cans.
What is a cowboy's favorite bean?  Pinto! 

We used pinto, pork and beans, black eyed peas, and butter beans. 
Dump the beans and all the liquid into the iron dutch oven.

1/3 cup of pure maple syrup

                        The hamburger and onions are rowned.  Dump them into the beans.

 Add 3 tablespoons dry mustard,

1 tablespoon lemon juice,

1/3 cup brown sugar,
 Add 3 tablespoons ketchup,
salt and pepper to your liking.
We are cooking with gas! The steam is rolling, and it smells like maple bacon.
Let is simmer on the stove a few hours or set it directly on your campfire coals.
It will thicken as it cooks.
We have a bushel of apples that need to be used so let's make applesauce.
Cut up the golden delicious apples and bring to a boil.
Then let simmer until squishy.  The chickens will get the peelings.
I add a scoop of brown sugar and mash them with a fork. 
This is so easy.
Cornbread is a must for any cowboy dinner.
I ran out to the hen house and got a fresh egg.

This is Bev wrapped up in every warm garment we could find, including a blanket over her lap.
She is having a ball sipping hot coffee and watching the fire.

There's my cowboy.

Did cowboys have Starbucks?  No, just starlight nights.
Bev is such a trooper.  She enjoys doing things outside.

It was about dinner time.
I clicked my cowgirl boots together 3 times and dinner was ready.
 I don't care if my food touches, the more food the merrier.  Applesauce, cornbread, and cowboy beans.  Good grub.  Grubby good.

One more thing.  You will need this after all those beans and bacon, believe me.
Happy Trails.

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