Wednesday, October 30, 2013


I love clearance.  I also love Clarence from It's a Wonderful Life.
But, right now I love the plants I bought at the end of the season sale.
A White Frost Berchleaf Spirea.  Everything I love wrapped up in one plant.
White flowers, birch shaped leaves, nicely shaped shrub.  I wish I had a nice shape, but I don't.  I did, but it's long gone.
I am nice, if that counts.  Sometimes. 
Just look at the price!  Deal, deal, ding dong deal.
They only had one.

I looked over about 15 flowering crabapple trees in the $30 range.
Then, I spotted this planted in the row with maple trees.
It was $9.99.  Deal, deal, hot diggity deal.
Plus, it comes with berries.

And, I adopted a container of hens and chicks.
Sorry, I already planted them.  They were cheap, cheap, cheap.
Most landscape businesses close this weekend, so hurry!

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