Wednesday, August 21, 2013


The annual Springfield Road garage sale was this weekend. 
 I needed a little retail therapy, so I went.
Guess what I paid for this patio table?  Come on, take a guess.
$5.00  Can you believe it?

All it needed was a little scrubbing, and a rinse with the hose.  Look at the shine!

Let's eat!

Oh, and I met the nicest lady named Kelly.  She used to work for the state and drove heavy equipment.  We hit it off.  She loves rusty things and tractors.

                                 Guess what I paid for this mail box?  Come on, take a guess.


She threw the fake flowers in for free.
I love garage sales.  As long as I don't have to be the one having the garage sale.
Please drop me a note to my new rusty mail box:
c/o Rusty Nail Garden
Last House on the Left EOR  (end of road)
Pekin, IL  61554

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