Wednesday, August 28, 2013


I love to visit my friend's home in the country.  She lives in a renovated, country, school house.   I stopped by this week to take a look at what she calls her "jungle."  Some flowers she and her husband planted, but there are also those that are volunteer. 

The fertile farmland of Tazewell and Mason counties is known as the Imperial Valley of the Midwest,  producing large amount of produce raised in sandy soil with irrigation from the Mahomet Aquifer.


Myrtle and Fred (I made up the names) have a beautiful garden with decorations tucked into corners and nooks and crannies.  What is a cranny?  Is it bigger than a nook or smaller than a crevice?

My friend rescues kitties.  This one is pretty as a picture.
Here is Myrtle's turtle.
 Gurgle, gurgle.

The yellow plant stand we found at Goodwill last spring.

Myrtle has a way of arranging things.


The steps are decorated.


Is it real?
It looks real.  Tweetie.

Where did she get all this stuff?  I love it!

This was my bench and it matches her house perfectly!  The $20 I got matches my wallet perfectly.

                                                                    Rural Americana.


What?  No flowers here?  You missed a spot.

Fred, hold that flower still, please.  Got it.


The best part of my visit was after dark.  Yes, I am always trying to take pictures just as the sun sets.  Myrtle and Fred's yard is full of solar lights.  When I left their house the solar lights began to light up like fireflies.  It is a party waiting to happen in Mason County. 

Thanks for the visit.

1 comment:

  1. They do have a great yard. I love all of the different flowers they have. Thanks for sharing
