Thursday, July 26, 2012



July 26, 2012

The temperature in central Illinois yesterday was 102 degrees.  I have been very worried about all my plant friends in these extreme conditions.  I thought I would share some of the things I have done to give them relief from the heat, and also show you a few pictures.
         Did one of our new plants die?  Fooled you-it is a stick.....ha ha.

The goldfish in our little pond are always a concern of ours.  The pond is in the bright sun most of the day and the water does get warm.  The pond is three feet deep so that does help in keeping the water near the bottom cool.  The floating water lilies offer some shade.  The fish seem comfortable, by our observations.  They have a good appetite morning and night and dart around quickly and sometimes jump, flip and splash.  I did place some drift wood in the pond to float on the water.  It shades the fish.  Also, we water the fish every evening.  Doesn’t everyone water their fish?  The cold well water does please them.  Deuce, Sharkey, and Whitey swim up to me when I spray water into the pond.  They love the bubbles and rush of cool water.

                     I would, if could, but it is too hot to cut up this tree.  It will just have to lay in our yard until it cools off.

I did have a chat with the bunnies and tried to encourage them to take off their fur coats…..but no luck.  They insist on wearing them.  Little Buckaroo plays in his water dish.  Powder stretches out and makes herself as long as she can to cool her tummy on the ground.  We do spray the dirt pen a couple times a day to cool the earth.  The nine rabbits do not want to get wet but they enjoy the mist from the hose that drifts their way.  They stand up, sniff and wiggle their little noses at it.
                          Buckaroo wearing his fur coat.  Silly Wabbit.
Harry Walker has some leaves that are curling.  Harry is a tree, not a neighbor.  I love this little guy with all his corkscrew branches.  He reminds me of one of those artists that tie themselves in knots in Las Vegas.  Anyway, I put a veil over him this week to protect his leaves (it’s a bath towel from the rag bag.)  At dusk I “unveil” him. 

All the newly planted shrubs have straw hats.  I took straw from the shed and just loosely dumped it all over them.  It helps keep the sun from burning them and keeps the moisture around their roots.  Yes, it looks like heck, but if it saves their lives it will be well worth the embarrassment.

At 2:00 a.m. this morning I heard thunder.  I thought it might be Santa Clause rumbling up there but it did actually rain two tenths of an inch.  YIPPEE 

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