Monday, July 16, 2012

Butterflies 29 Cents.

I like to add a few surprises to the garden to spice things up and sometimes to tease my unsuspecting friends.  A few years ago I was watering flowers for my friend, who was out of town.  On the way to her house, I ran a couple errands.  To my delight, I had a light bulb moment in the Dollar Store.  Those plastic dinosaurs would surely scare someone, I thought, so I bought five.  As I watered my friend's flowers I found some great places for a dinosaur to live, and left them there in the ferns.

A few days after my friend returned home she weeded her garden.  She reached in the ferns to pluck a few weeds.........yep, she found the first one.  It took her a few days to find all five and I think her grandson had joined the search party.  I had more fun with that trick than she did.

Another friend moved to a new house recently.  One night, after dark, I drove past her house and my car suddenly stalled right in front...............oh yes it did.  My car door opened and out jumped a little gnome with a pointed hat.  He sat right down in the rocks by the light post!  He would not get back in my car, so I left him there!  I don't think she ever figured out who played that prank on her.  You should try it.  It really is fun and innocent.  You won't get arrested for it.

So, knowing my track record, guess what I did today?  I decorated the butterfly bush near the patio with beautiful monarch butterflies.  I wrapped them around each stem.They look like they just landed to enjoy a sip of sweetness.  So far, my family has not noticed.

I'll just wait a few days and see what happens. 

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