Sunday, July 22, 2012

  (see video below)

I have mentioned that our home is surrounded by wildlife, and from time to time we have unexpected visitors in the yard or pasture.  Friday evening Dennis and I were sitting on the bench by the pond watching our dalmatians, Jessie and Jamie, playing in the yard.  Suddenly they raced to the far corner of the yard where we have a woven wire fence, barking very loudly to warn us of an intruder.  Jazz even chimed in from her kennel.  This was not a typical squirrel bark.  This was the 'danger' bark.

We both ran to see what they had found.  I saw a glimpse of something big, and kinda round on the other side of the fence.  Then I saw a snout!  It was Bacon, the neighbor's pig and he was trying to lift up the fence and crawl under it.  I was able to call the dogs in and quickly put them in their kennels.

By now, Bacon had waddled all the way up to the back door looking for a treat.  He sniffed around and took a bite of my petunias, then he walked over to the pond.  Keep in mind it was a hot summer night and Bacon was getting warm from all this activity.  I was afraid he would try to cool off in the pond.  I don't think pigs can swim. Dennis quickly got on the cell phone and called Bacon's mom.
She said, "Oh, he escaped again.  I'll be right up to get him."

Bacon was investigating everything, including looking in our patio door to see why we were inside hiding from him!  I remembered I had just put a dozen ears of sweet corn in the fridge earlier, so I grabbed the bag.  I broke an ear in half and started throwing the corn out the back door to keep Bacon occupied and from going back to the pond.  He ate 3 ears of corn and grunted a few times.  I watched him from inside the house behind the safety of the patio door.  I know a pig can be a sweet pet, but I also know they can get angry if they become upset.  The dogs were not helping with all their barking.

Bacon's mom arrived carrying a loaf of bread, joined by her granddaughter.  Bacon walked up to them once he saw they had his favorite treat.  He ate a slice of bread, and another, and another as they coaxed him through the garden gate, down the driveway, and to the road.  He kept following them down the road as they fed him white bread.  His curled up little tail was switching back and forth as we waved goodbye.

I'm so glad the camera was right by the back door when they arrived, so you can see that I'm not making this up!  Enjoy our video of Bacon walking home.

Dennis and I grabbed tools, steel posts, and wire and proceeded to repair our fence before dark.
So much for a quiet evening by the pond. 

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