Saturday, July 14, 2012

50% Off Sale

The robins are bathing in the waterfall of the pond and the little wrens are chirping their lungs out!
I love mornings in our garden.  When I moved here, seven years ago, there were three sheds next to the house and I could not envision a nice yard.  The previous owners had a burn pile which we had to bury by digging a pit with a big John Deere tractor.  Now it is planted with lilacs, forsythia, an arbor and 2 boxwood.  That will be the future entrance to the host walk over the hillside.  I am killing off the poison ivy there this year. 

Now the yard is a private little spot on the hill with flowers blooming all summer.  Currently, the daylilies are beginning to fade and the mums are blooming for the first time.  Soon I'll snip the flowers off the mums so they prepare for their blaze of fall color in September.  The potted plants look great, as well as the coreopsis and geraniums.  One of the clematis is blooming a second time.  It is always a surprise to walk around and find a new plant blooming.  It is such a gift from mother nature.

The local nursery is having a 50% off sale so we drove there this afternoon to look for some good buys.  Another pink knockout rose and a grass will give us more impact in the pink garden.
I think I'll have to put up some shade cloth because we are nearing 90 degrees again and that is just too hard on newly planted flowers.  I noticed that one delphinium has died this week.  It upsets me so much to loose a plant.  I feel like I failed.  I have this roll of burlap that I might be able to stretch around some metal stakes to protect them.  I'll try it tonight.

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