Sunday, July 15, 2012

Farm Gate

At 7:00 a.m. it was very pleasant outside.  I had coffee on the patio with the puppies and listened to the serenade of wrens and robins as they did whatever it is birds do:  eat bugs and fly around.
I wished I could fly.  I think I actually flipped through about 5 pages of the magazine before I had to get up and pluck blooms, water a few things, feed the rabbits and move some patio blocks to their new home.  I move about eight a day because I can.  No one said I had to move them all.  After all, it is Sunday.

I noticed the old farm gate out front by the driveway.  I sorta left it there until I could decide where it would look best.  There just happened to be a crooked post stuck in the ground that I was not able to yank out last year.  (See the post by the tub!)  Hm, the gate looks pretty good propped up against it.  Oh, and my friend gave me two old wash tubs that I thought might fit in somewhere around here.  How about there!  What do you think?

Now, how should I decorate it?  I could put some dirt and flowers in the buckets or I could be really sneaky and go to Big Lots to get a few sunflowers to stick in the tubs!  Let me think about this for awhile.  Stay tuned.

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