Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Love the colors of these fun pots.  Dennis picked them up to add a punch to our back yard.
We put them several places, and then I found this wire stand at a little shop.
I told everyone I got it for 25 cents at a garage sale......I lied.
But I felt better telling people that!

Just down from the pots are these blooming Clematis.
Holy Clementine Batman, look at those flowers.

"Pick me, pick me."
No, I can't pick any they are just too pretty right where they are.

I think all women named  Clementine should plant Clematis.  Just because.

But if your name is Taylor, or Reba, or Trisha you can have someone plant them for you.

I am just plain old Mary.  I had the little lamb.  I was also the Mother of a holy figure,  but my figure is far from holy or anything.  But I do wear holey underware on occasion.   See you later.

Monday, June 16, 2014


Look closely around the hosta.
Let me get a little closer. 

                                          I can't stop laughing.

                                              Talk about a Fun Gi.

                             Sometimes they pop up unexpectedly.

There was a nice soft rain last week, and the temperature was very warm.
Nature has its own sense of humor.

Thursday, June 12, 2014


The yellow is beginning to grow on me.  I think this shade will be fine.  Thank you to my friends who gave their approval.

I continue to play around with my relics and bricks when I get a few hours.  It's like playing house.  I move things around and stand back and look at it.  Then I take something away and again stand back and look at it.  Doing this also keeps my mind off my dirty, cluttered basement.  I just can't get up the gumption to do that project.

 This is where I left off.  I hauled over a three more loads of used bricks and began to arrange them.  Keep in mind this is supposed to be imperfect and rusty,  not nice and new and square.
I can't do anything square if I tried.

                                      This is not looking right.

Ribbitt.  No, we don't like it.  Start over.  First, give us a push, please.

Next, I got rid of the white baby bed frame.  I put it back in storage.
Then I moved the 16 inch squares to the flower garden.

I layed more bricks and brought over a few flower pots, and a dog.
The dog can make a lot of things look better.  This is Jazzy Girl. 


                                  I think this looks better. 
                 Tomorrow, I have a lot more painting to get done.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Although I am usually tending to dogs, or mowing, I still take time to stroll around the yard and just enjoy the blooms.
June is such a pretty month in Illinois.

The greens are so bright.

Tulips hug each other.

                   I wonder if it is scary being the first and only bloom in the new world.

                                A bean stalk tree.  Oh, not really, but it grew a few feet since last year.


                      This is my favorite spring color.  I won't get to see it again until next year.

Pop, pop, pop.  Is everybody here?
My dear cousin wanted a few starts to some plants.  Perfect time for rooting new growth.
Even the pond grasses are shooting up from the bottom of the pond.

We cleaned the pond again this spring, and then refilled it with champagne
Ok, seltzer water..

That was a fun little walk.  Come back anytime and enjoy a glass of champagne with me.

Sunday, June 8, 2014


The chicken house has been white for a long time.  I think it needs to be jazzed up.
I bought a quart of yellow to test and see how it looks.

 I think this will be just fine.

Now the quart is gone so I need to buy a gallon of old yeller.
And I also need to buck up and lay some bricks down for a small approach.
I have been putting it off for a long time because it "hurts".
Laying bricks hurts my back, my legs, my thighs, and every other part of my body.
Dennis tilled this spot for me.  I have planted three tomato plants and a border of marigolds.
Pekin, IL is the home of the late Senator Everett Dirksen, so we are honoring him with his chosen marigolds.  Why?  I really don't know.  We just are.

                                                                         Old Everett.

 The tomatoes are staked, marigolds are watered, the bricks are in a pile by the shed, and I am off to buy more paint.  Oh wait, it is midnight.  I think I'll go tomorrow.



Saturday, June 7, 2014


Last Saturday we took Jazz for a ride and ended up at the nursery, of course.

I found these little shrubs on the sale table.  They were marked down because they were not healthy when they first arrived at the nursery.

I felt so bad for the little fellas that I adopted them.
This open spot  needs a little privacy screen in winter.
I'll take a chance and see if they fill out in a few years.

The trees behind the bush are about 6 years old and 6 feet tall now.

I know you are thinking the same thing Dennis is, "You have too much jammed together in the front yard."  Well my response to that is, "I know how to use a saw." I can cut something down if I choose to do so.  But I won't.
If you drive by on June 2nd, 2024, check out the three tall shrubs. 

These Spirea suckers were sprouting up under another bush by the garage.
I dug them up and soaked them overnight. 

 Tomorrow I might put them in this new planting area I am working on.
Hopefully, they will add some pizazz to the end of the road someday.

                                                       Honk if you love my rock!

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


I might be a Redneck....my Christmas lights were still up until this week.
I'm not really sure if winter has ended.  Until a few weeks ago it was still cold here.
I just could not force myself to go out in the cold.
I nicked a few strands when I was weed wacking so I forced myself to take the lights down.
I'm not sure if I would have taken them down if not for cutting a few wires
Here are my neat little piles. 

Here is Jessie wondering why I am playing with Christmas lights on a 90 degree day.
She is in the air conditioning.

For some reason I am not even ashamed. 

Monday, June 2, 2014


I was planting tomato plants in front of this row of trees last night.
I looked up at our dog, Jessie, who was standing on her tip toes trying to see inside this evergreen.
I did not see anything.
But Jessie smelled something deep inside the tree.
Take a deep sniff............can you smell it?
Look closer, can you see it?
Do you see two blue eggs and two bald birdies?

 I doubt if they are 24 hours old, maybe 23 hours.

I bumped the tree and now they think I am going to feed them!

Their mother was in the tree above me, watching.
I quietly planted the last tomato and left.


Tonight, 24 hours later, there was one egg that had not hatched.  Three baby birds are huddled together.  Maybe tomorrow it will hatch.

Isn't Mother Nature miraculous! 
This is Momma Robin high up in the tree.  She is scolding me with every four letter chirp she knows.
I better go now.