Sunday, July 21, 2013


My dear cousin, Jean Ann, came to spend the day with me and help greet visitors.
She brought me this wonderful garden hat!  Thank you Jean, this hat was perfect.  I was queen of the pond tour!
 There were a few things that just did not get finished, like painting the back side of a fence and moving some logs.  I am happy with the way the flowers and yard looked.

I've been preparing for this day since April.  To host a tour of my gardens and pond is one of my bucket list items.  That and driving a semi, which I did one night on a back road.  That's another story.

Let's walk around together and check on the flowers.


A mixture of plants.

                                I picked this planter up, on sale, and filled it with annuals.

Yellow is a favorite color of mine.

Now I know how the Flying Nun felt.  Hang on, the wind is blowing.

                                              The red hat club hat I found at Goodwill.

Do you think anyone will notice the front door did not get painted?

Annabelle Hydrangea.  I have moved her at least three times, so she is still rather small.

This pot was my Christmas present from Dennis.
When he said we have  to go outside for your present I was sure it was a pony.

The steps now have a coat of white paint on the risers. They look snazzy now.

The front yard. 

When you have three Dalmatians you must have a Dalmatian flag out front.
Everything is ready.  I'll post more pond tour pictures so you can see the rest of the tour.
Until then, wear protection........sunscreen baby.