Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Goodmorning.  Would you like to go with me to visit some ponds that my friends have built?
These ponds were on the tour last week.  Grab a few bottles of water and your camera.  Let's go!

 The use of antiques in the garden makes me feel warm and fuzzy.  What I love even more is when there is a special story that goes with the antiques.  This well pump was from my friend's grandmother's house and she has turned it into a trickling water feature.

Ah lovely. 

I did help mom rinse clothes in a wash tub like this.  I stirred them with a stick to rinse them.

                                                                                                                     Nice leg!

                                                 Layers of Lilies all in full bloom.

                                                 Trickle, trickle, little stream
                                                 How I wonder what I'll dream.

I think the round tile hold water plants, but then again they might hold wine bottles.

The Fonz had a ducktail like this.
These ducks are wild.  They landed on this backyard pond and stayed for the tour.  They greeted everyone.  I think they found their Duck Dynasty.

                   Him and her.  He and she.  Man and wife.  Drake and duck.  Mom and Dad.
A frog spitter.  This aerates the water.

                      Waterfall.  Water falling.  Wadderfall.  The heat is melting my brain.


I have seen this leg before.

                                                       Nice way to hide a gas tank.


I wish I could make this.  I have tried and believe me I am not a willowsmith. 

Time to hop on the bike and head home.  I wonder if anyone would miss it? 

No brakes! 

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