Tuesday, April 16, 2013


On rare occasions I do cook.  This is what I fixed my honey for breakfast.  Eggs and raisin bread from the farmer's market, fried potatoes, coffee from Leaves-n-Beans.  The water is from our well.  The table cloth is from Door County, and I am from Sheffield, and Dennis is from Oglsby, and that's enough.........I get carried away.

Dennis wanted to go for a ride and show me a couple of  trees that are almost in full bloom so I grabbed the camera and we took off.

Here is a pretty one.  "Star Magnolia"

Ah, lovely forsythia.

This magnificent oak tree is at the Pekin Insurance Lodge.  Look at those limbs!

Another purdy pink tree.  Saucer Magnolia.

Of course we stopped at Starbucks on the way home.
Soon it was dark.  I looked out the front window and saw something looking back at me.
It was moving, had two eyes, and was gobbling up the bird seed crumbs.
It was a green eyed, masked, crumb grabber!

Dig it.

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