Monday, April 8, 2013


I am having a hard time making myself get outside and "do" something.  The first few nice days of spring are very spiritual.  I walk around the hills and just soak up the sun then I might sit for awhile and swing.  The past few days were like this and finally today I said, "Thank you for this land and the opportunity to enjoy it.  Amen" and began to tidy up.

I gave a few plants a hair cut, chopped off the grasses and dried mums, and raked a few dead leaves from the butterfly garden. 

My head is spinning with ideas of what to plant in our blue pottery.  In fact, I am going to take pictures of all the pots and take them with me to Hornbaker Gardens.  They have a fantastic staff who can guide me in designing the flower pots.

This July our pond will be one of those on the local Prairie Land Koi and Pond Society tour.
Soon I have to make a list of what needs to be done in preparation for this event. 

April 15th is my annual Lawn Mowing Day.  Every single year since 1971 I have mowed the lawn for the first time on this day.  Ok, a few times it rained, and once I overslept until May, and another time I mowed early.  I better make sure the mower runs!

Ba da bing, ba da boom.
Dig it!

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