Sunday, April 7, 2013


Anybody home yet?  Hello!

Waiting for spring is just killing me.  Every night I look for signs of spring.
Today the Forsythia bush started to sprout some leaves.  Maybe 5 twigs had leaves but it's better than none.

Ah, this little Daffodil is saying hello, "Here I am, I made it."

                                                             We made it too!

This is what I am really excited about, our Star Magnolis is beginning to pop.  This tree is very special.  It was a gift from my best friends Patty and Annette to celebrate my brother's memory.
I cherish it.

Oh, our Prince of Orange Poppy is going to make it.
This will be it's first year in our garden.  Welcome.

Other than steaming the carpet, doing dishes, washing bedding, cleaning the bathroom and vacuuming, it was a pretty quiet day waiting for the plants to wake up. 

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