Sunday, April 14, 2013


Today we hopped in the van and headed to Hornbaker Gardens in Princeton, IL.  They opened for the season this week and it is a ritual for us to visit them as soon as they open.  We grabbed some goodies at Panera Bread and drove the country roads north.  There was very little traffic, the sky was clear, and we had a chance to talk and relax together.  

Hornbaker's has so many wonderful and unique garden items and the staff is so friendly.  I wish I could invite them all to lunch, and Christmas dinner, and my birthday party, and name our next puppy after one of them.  They are awesome people.

So, I bought a ceramic mushroom, a stand for my blue gazing ball, and a glorious azalea named Mandarin Lights.  This is "Mandy".

She is about to be tapped on the shovel handle to loosen her.
Hold on Mandy, this tickles.

Take a deep breath Mandy!

Now tuck your toes and bend your knees Mandy.  I am covering you with dirt.

Is that enough dirt?  Will you be warm under all this dirt?

And this little cage is only temporary Mandy.  Once you get stronger I will remove it, promise. Now here is some straw mulch to keep your soil moist. 
 It is almost dark Mandy!
See the sun setting in the west.  Sleep well Mandy.  And GROW!

This root ball is the azalea we planted last year.  The drought killed it.
But I refuse to believe it is totally dead so I am moving it.  Doctor please, is there a chance she has  a breath of life left?  I'm not giving up on her.  She will be in intensive  care for awhile. 

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