Tuesday, May 28, 2013


 I have seen a new style of gardening emerging.  I am intrigued by the mystical creations.
To me, it is the gardener's version of a doll house.  Miniature plants, succulents, moss, stones, miniature sized furniture and a fairy or gnome all placed happily ever after in a pot, bird bath, or niche of an old tree stump.

I have wanted to try my hand at making one but never seem to have time because I'm always sewing, mowing, hoing or blogging.

My dear friend is retiring this week and I've been thinking about a nice gift for.  Finally, I thought of the perfect gift: a fairy garden.  Maybe I should say it would be the perfect gift for me, and I hope she likes it as much as I would.

I searched the hillside for a hollowed out log but most had ants, or creepy crawlers in them.  I opted for this pretty blue one I found at Menards.

Then I chose some iddy biddy plants. I filled the pot with Rustynail compost made last year. Some of the plants were still too big for the pot, so I cut them in half with the scissors and stuck some pebbles between them to add scale.  I sound like I know what I'm doing, don't I?

Then I added Miss Fairy 2013.  She is playing hopscotch with the Skunk.  (She did this in the Miss Fairy 2013Talent Contest and won first place.) 

Can you see Peppy La Pew hiding along the edge?   
He's a little stinker. 


               Can you see little old me?  I'm in there, resting in the shade sipping Pina Coladas.
I'm a little stinker too.

Where did she go?  Miss Fairy just went for a spin around the butterfly bush!  Come back here.
My friend plans to spend time gardening and playing hopscotch with her grandchildren.  She is also just as pretty as this Fairy, if not prettier, and more fun, and she's a great cook, and she can touch her tongue to her nose.
Blessing to you my friend, and many happy hours of gardening.

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