Friday, May 3, 2013


Rhubarb.  The Latin origin is "Rha" which defines the river Volga in the Mediterranean and "Barbarum" which means barbarian.  The barbarians transported the plant across the land.
Enough of that college stuff.  Let's talk 'stalks'.
This Ruby Red rhubarb was planted in 2011.  It popped up a week ago
when the temperature and earth warmed up into the 70's.
These stalks will become a yummy pie in a few more weeks.
To harvest, simply pull, yank, or tug on the stalk depending on your strength equivalent.  It is advisable not to cut the stalk.  I think this can injure the lower extremities.  Like pulling my arm out of the socket!
One can never have enough money, diamonds or rhubarb. 
 So, we are planting more this year. 
This baby plant has a red stalk beginning to grow. 
There is also a variety of rhubarb which has green stalks.
 We bought these Canada Red rhubarb at Kelley Seed in Peoria.  They sell them early in the spring so we got ours before they sold out.  They are inside Kelley's in a box at the back door packed loosely with wood shavings.

Rhubarb is a cool season, perennial plant that is very winter hardy and resistant to drought. Its crop is produced from crowns consisting of fleshy rhizomes and buds.
The leaves are toxic to Deer and Dogs, so be sure to plant it where these animals can not access the plants. 

Dennis dug a roomy hole deep enough to cover the base and loosely packed the soil around the base.

Isn't it amazing that in a couple years this tiny plant could produce enough rhubarb for three or four pies? 

Then he piles the mulch close to the plant.  This was last year's rabbit droppings and straw from the bunny hutch which composted over the winter.  It will fertilize and keep the soil moist.
Once again it is dark, and we have to quit for the day.  Made a little more progress today.
The weather forecast is more rain and much cooler.  The rain should give the new plants a good drink. 
There are so many dishes you can make with rhubarb or you can freeze it.
You can find rhubarb at your local CSA or Farmer's Market this month.
Try one of these:
Rhubarb Pie
Rhubarb Wine
Rhubarb Cake
Cold Rhubarb Soup
Or my favorites:
Rhubarb and Mashed Potatoes
Chocolate Covered Rhubarb
Rhubarb Smores
Be creative!
Dig it.

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