Thursday, May 16, 2013


Many trees and shrubs are in bloom this week.
I must be drawn to the color pink.  As I wander around the yard, it seems most of the spring blossoms here are pink and burgundy.

This is our two year old Japanese Maple. "Ah so, vewey nice."

                                                 This Purple Leaf Plum is plum purple.
           Here it is up close and purp-sonal purple.

 Are you uncomfortable when I get this close?
Should I step back?

Three years ago, when I was just a child, my older brother and I bought this pink Columbine.
Now my brother is 73 and I am still his little sister.  

He and I bought it after a picnic lunch of fried chicken at a favorite spot in Princeton, IL.
My brother was always the gardener in our family, and our grandfather was too.  We share this appreciation of beautiful plants.

 Ah, a pink Dogwood I planted right smack in front by the road, so everyone who drives by can see it.  Except no one drives by.  This is the end of the road.  But I see it, every day.  It makes me feel light and airy with sprinkles on top.  I feel like dancing, don't you?

What big eyes you have.

This Purple Leaf Sand Cherry shrub was an impulse buy.  I'm so glad I was impulsive.

                                                      Are you seeing a pattern here?
                                            I like pink. I like purple, and I love to be close.

 How can such a beautiful little fruit tree be 'crabby'?  I have no idea.
I think we should rename the Crabapple to Gladapple. 


Please don't ever be crabby.

I once worked with a sweet lady who had a picture on her desk of a pink flower.  She said, "Everyone should enjoy a little 'pink' every day.  It cheers us up.


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