Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Today is May Day.  May 1st is a holiday in some cultures where they celebrate spring.
It can also mean an emergency, such as the sinking of the Titanic. MAY DAY, MAY DAY!

 After all the cold and rain lately, I think it is an emergency that we celebrate spring.

In honor of May Day, we celebrated by tilling the garden for the first time.
  The tiller is heavy, noisy, and difficult to drive in a straight line.    

The soil was still heavy and moist underneath.  Once it dries we will till it again to break up the clumps.  Then we can plant some onions and potatoes.

Like I said, the tiller is noisy.  Click on the video for a quick glimpse.

All this work makes me hungry.  It is time for supper.
Tonight's menu is chef salad with yummy things like cranberries, feta cheese, and mandarin oranges.  Mmmmm good.

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