Sunday, May 5, 2013



Over the winter, I remove the pump from the pond. I am not interested in cleaning it when the temperature is zero degrees nor do I want the risk of the pump freezing if the electricity would be disrupted.

There is also a heater in the pond during winter and I do leave that running so the gasses can escape from the pond.  The gasses can kill fish.

The first years I lived at Rustynail, my water came from the original hand dug well.  In winter, I had to drop a light bulb into the well pit to keep the pump from freezing.  A few times the bulb burned out and I had no water. The pump froze.  To fix it, I would crawl down into the pit with a hair dryer and hope it would warm the pump enough to begin working.  Now I have a brand new well that works mighty fine.  With God as my witness I will never crawl into a well again, Scarlet!

 Where was I?  Oh yes, in April I clean the moss and leaves from the pond with a little help from Jazz (on the left).  I do mean "little".

 I empty the bio falls tank by dipping the water out  and remove the filtration devices: lava rocks and mesh filters.

       These are my expensive tools of choice today.

                                           Lava rock, in mesh bags are set on the ground to be hosed clean.

                                                Phew!  Stinky.

                                     This is the grid the lava rock sits on in the bio filter.

                             Now the tank is almost empty and I dip out the remaining "crud". 

                                                Ick, it smells.  My nails are getting dirty.

                                  Everything gets scrubbed with a broom and the garden hose. 

                        These dirty filters, were beneath the lava rock. They are actually white!


The actual pump was stored inside the basement over winter in a bucket of water to keep the seals from drying.

  I spray the pump clean, attach it to the outlet hose that feeds the waterfall, and plug it into the electrical outlet.  The pump is lowered into the water and hip-hip-hurray!  The waterfall is running again.  The fish love the action of the water and they scurry around excitedly.

                                 Jazz loves the action of the fish and she scurries around excitedly.

I love the action of the water, fish, and Jazz. 
However, I anticipate resting by the pond this season.
                                 is good. 










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