Tuesday, May 21, 2013


My back yard drops over a hill and provides a shady hillside which nourishes some very old native plants such as Trillium and Bellflowers. Oh yes, we also have an old plant called Poison Ivy.
Colonies of Trillium bloom from April-May.  They can be white, pink or red with three pointed leaves.  It is advised to not pick Trillium because it ruins the plant for years.  Let them be.........to be or not to be.

The first of May, our Trillium began to grow umbrella like leaves on the stems.

Three weeks later they formed red blooms like this.
See it?  The red dot in the center of the leaves.


Amongst the Trillium is also a beautiful blanket of wild bellflowers.


    Can we get up close and personal for a moment?   How do you feel about world peace?

Every spring I comb this same hillside for Morrell mushrooms but I have not found a single one.  This is the perfect spot for them with decayed trees, shade and moist soil.  I won't give up.
Maybe next year I'll find some.  Then I will dip them in egg and flour and fry them in a pound of bubbling butter...................mmmmm. 

Thanks for gardening with us today.  Come back soon.


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