Friday, May 24, 2013


Actually, I stole these seeds.  I was standing under this lush canopy of vines growing over an arbor.  The seed pods were hanging down like green beans.
I do not know what the plant was but I'll call it "Jack The Beanstalk".
So I said to Jack, "Take a deep breathe, I'm gonna pull."  And I did.
Jack was tough, he did not even flinch.
The pod held three very hard seeds.  I scratched the seeds a little with sand paper and soaked them overnight.  They are tucked into a warm soil mix in a clay pot.  Hopefully they will get rambunctious and propagate when I am not looking.  In nine months we will know for sure if they have a boy or a girl.
These are a few of the seeds I plant every year around the telephone pole.
Sunflowers, and morning glories.  I plant different varieties of sunflower because I like a mix of heights when they bloom.  I always wanted to be tall myself, but I am what I am.  Maybe I was planted too deep?
Make this a memorable Memorial Day weekend.  Plant a seed.
Or just steal one!

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