Saturday, May 4, 2013


It is a rainy, Saturday morning and I am having my coffee by the window so I can watch the birds eat breakfast.  Of course I have my camera cocked and loaded in case I get a good shot, or one hundred good shots.

Shhhh, here comes one now.  Don't move, don't breathe, don't even it!

Just look at this Golden Finch.

Hello there!  Who are you?  I don't recognize you.
Are you new in town? 
Ah, my favorite, the gentle Dove. 
A girly girl Cardinal.  Do you have a nest nearby? 
Hey, you are hogging all the dried fruit! 

Are you looking at me or am I looking at you Mr. Woodpecker?

Did you make those nice little round feeder holes in the birdfeeder?  Thanks.
Something in that tree is watching me.
Coast is clear, let's eat!

Mmwah, mmm, mmm, schlurp.

If you don't move, I won't move.
I think we established our ground rules.

I love these seeds Maynard!
What is this?
A Silver Crown Black Winged Feeder Filler....very rare.
Of  course the Dalmatians love to watch birds. 
However, they would love it more if they could chase them.

This was the best cup of coffee I've had all week.
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