Friday, May 10, 2013


This is one of my compost piles.

I have several wire cages I use for composting.  This mixture consists of rabbit droppings, straw, coffee grounds, spoiled vegetables, and grass clippings.  The Rustynail system of composting is about as simple as they come.


I'm sipping a glass of wine right now so forgive me if I get sloshed.
I'll try to keep my compost-ure.
Ok, this second picture, this one, right here, look down, see?
Well, this shows the compost after it has settled and cured a few months.
Sometimes I stir the compost with a swizzle stick..........I mean a pitch fork, or I use the tractor bucket to move it around and push it down.  Then I sit on the patio with more wine.
Sherioushly.........this is my hand, and this is the finished product.
This compost is full of nutrients and is nourishing.  It is also good for hangovers.
This loose, filtered compost is ready to spread around plants.
This pile composted in about 9 months.  Why hurry, good wine is worth waiting for, and so is good compost.
Last fall, we bought mulch at the yocal nursery.  I mean local, nursery.
Mulch is finely chipped bark and wood products.  Mulch holds moisture in the ground, cools the root system, and it goes good with cheese and wine.

                                                                 Shoveling the mulch.

I went for the bigger shovel.

I spread mulch around the fall mums.  I do not cut the dead stems until spring.
A. Stalks help me find them again in spring
B. The stalks nourish the roots through winter.
C. Wine nourishes me through winter.

This one I piled a little high because I was feeling a little tipsy.  You do not need to pile
it this high.  But you might need more wine.
Bottoms up!
Next issue: What to do with empty wine bottles.
wine bottle tiki light

taken from Pinterest


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