Saturday, September 28, 2013


Two years ago I had the driveway resurfaced because it had deteriorated so badly. 

Lately, it was looking faded and cracked.  I have applied the coating myself, in the past, but this time I let the professionals put a seal coat of oil on the asphalt.  They have access to the industrial coatings which seal better and also look better.  They gave it a face lift.
                        Didn't they make it look nice?  Hm, maybe I should try a seal coat?
                        It might fill in my cracks and crevices. 
The yellow tape across the entrance was to keep cars off the driveway.
Well, it did not keep the cats off, as you can see below.
A little kitty walked over the drive, then sat herself down on the front steps.
Don't worry,  she was ok after walking in the oil.  We washed her paws.
 See her paw prints going up the stairs?  It is there to stay my friends.
Yes, it smells the first day.  The dogs were inside while they worked.  I did not want to expose them to the smell or the noisy equipment.  I'm sure the inside cats slept in a pile of covers somewhere, and the chickens and bunnies were far from the action. 

                      If I had done this, there would be splatters all over the house and gravel. 
                                               Nice job guys!  See you in a couple years.



I wrote these thoughts yesterday:

Earlier this year, I was mowing the yard twice a week because we had a wet spring.
Since July 1st we have had no rain and the ground is cracking in places and hard as a rock. 

The grass is not growing, or even breathing.  It looks dead.  The weeds have sprouted up here and there, but the grass is brown.

This is becoming a serious draught for central Illinois.  I was watering plants until the past few weeks, but no longer.  We are now conserving water.  Living in the country and relying on a well, one has to be careful with water consumption. 

I might quit doing dishes too.............and bathing, and brushing my teeth. 
I might have to drink beer, or wine instead of water.  Hmmm, sounds good to me.
Will you do a little rain dance for us, please?  Get jiggy with it.

Tonight I wrote:

YOU DID IT!  Tonight IT IS RAINING!  Your rain dance worked!  Thank you for gettin' on it!
We are having a nice, easy rain.  We even used the windshield wipers driving home tonight.

Finally, the sound of rain in the gutters.

I must crawl into bed now.  Goodnight.  Zzzzzz

Friday, September 27, 2013


What's for dinner you two?
Jessie and her papa, fixing us stir fry.

Hey, no dancing.  You are supposed to be cooking.

                                                                         Who is leading?

Turn and Dip. 

Cha cha cha.
Stir stir.
Wok wok wok.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


As with most country homes,  mine has a mud room.  It is where you enter the house and take your muddy boots off before entering the kitchen.  And if you don't I get the gun! 

I hung the car siding, laid a tile floor, and began to furnish the room.  First, a bench to sit on while you pull your boots off.  Then a coat hook, which I hang dog leads on.  And why not add a few keepsakes such as the bridle my brother used on his buckskin horse named Hurry.  Oh, and a horse collar that Dennis bought at a sale.  With all the horse tack we needed a cowboy picture.  John Wayne arrived. 

Come on in Pilgrim.

John Wayne had some pretty good quotes, such as:

“A man deserves a second chance, but keep an eye on him.”
John Wayne

“You're short on ears and long on mouth.”
John Wayne

“Courage is being scared to death, but saddling up anyway.”
John Wayne

“A man's got to do what a man's got to do.”
John Wayne

Talk low, Talk slow, and Don't say too much.”
John Wayne
I like this, "Don’t squat with your spurs on."
- Anonymous

“We’re burnin’ daylight.”
John Wayne
"Whoever said a horse was dumb, was dumb." ― John Wayne
Here is a bit of trivia.
Folks believe the horseshoe must point up "or the luck runs out."

I found this bit in the old barn, here at Rustynail.  The man who built the old, brick barn had horses.
I treasure the history of this land and display this in his memory.

It's time for some biscuits and beans.
Let's wash up.


This is the last of my pond and garden tour pictures. 
You get 4 stars for being a good friend and patiently looking at my pictures.
Since I am not a gramma, my babies are my yard and my dogs.  Oh yes, and Dennis too.

This white trellis is part of an iron baby bed.  I move it around from place to place in the yard.

Mellow Yellow

Perky Purple

Saucer Magnolia Tree leaves.  I plantd this tree in honor of my dear brother.
He loved a southern magnolia.

Bunches of pots of flowers hiding stuff I don't want you to see :)

                                    Look at these amazing stipes.

Even shadows can add to the beauty.

Final flower, the last one, the very last, you will never be tied up and forced to look at my pictures again, ever.  Never.  Uh uh. Nope. Nada.

Final answer. 

Monday, September 23, 2013


I bet you are thinking this tour will never end.  Right?  Look at it this way.  It is free and you don't have to walk around in the hot sun.  Lets start 'scrolling' or strolling, whichever you prefer.

This concord grape vine, on the rail fence, gives a lot of privacy in the summer.
Soon, I will be able to cut off the trailing vines and make them into a fall wreath.

We have not yet gotten to eat our own grapes.

The raccoons seem to always harvest them at night, as soon as they are deep purple.  (Not the raccoons, the grapes, silly.)

I love the shapes and edges of the leaves.  Very pretty.

                                 No, this pump does not supply grape juice or wine.....wish it did.

If you would like to sit and rest a few minutes, go ahead.

Take look around.


A clematis.
                                                    This squirrely guy says, "Welcome."

What deserted island did you come from?

Do you remember these machines?  You would not want go get your _?_caught in the wringer.

This is where we started today.  You can go now.

They can go now too.

                                                          I can't go............I live here.

And I have laundry to do.

Do da day.

                                       See you at tour #4.  Bring you laundry if you want.