Wednesday, September 18, 2013


In the early 1960's we lived on a farm in Tiskilwa, IL.
Farmers had a junk pile where they dumped and burried their trash.
There was no such thing as recycling so forgive me if I offend anyone.
Glass, cans, bottles all went to the junk pile. 
My point is, I loved to go to the dump!
I would search for beautiful perfume bottles.  Once I found a toy pail that I kept and used to feed my pony oats.
Sixty years later I love a good bargain.  Sometimes I find them on garbage night in town, or along the road, or at a friends house, or at resale shops.
This was drug home in the dark of night.  Is it zebra wood?  No, just sanded a little with the belt sander to get the paint chips off.

                                             I scrubbed it with bleach water.

     Then I bought a can of colonial red paint at Maynards.....I mean Menards
                                                           What do you think?

    It makes a nice bedside table. 
                  When I get tired of red, I can paint it again, and again, and again.

I'm off to see the wizard.  Bye bye Birdie

See You -Cacatoo
Gotta Bolt -Colt
See Ya There -Bear
Outta Here- Deer
Toodles- Poodle
That's All For Me- Queen Bee
Gotta Scat-Cat

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