Wednesday, September 4, 2013



Some days are pretty quiet at Rustynail Garden.  I normally drive in the driveway after work and the dogs start barking with excitement.  The wild cats begin to wander in from different directions for dinner.  I seldom go directly in the house when I get home.  I go to the kennel and begin to feed the dogs, then check on the bunnies.  I like to make a quick observation that everyone is safe before I go inside and change into my jeans and t-shirt.

The water level in the pond was getting low tonight, so I turned on the hose to fill it.
The fish love the splashing water and they swarm around it to play.  Plus, it's cool water and feels good on their toes............or nose, I suppose.

Jessie has to be in the middle of the action.
Here is a live action shot.
And that was the excitement for the evening.
Other than picking up poop, which I "do do" daily.
Do da day.

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