Monday, September 2, 2013


A very sweet lady friend of mine recently moved to an assisted care facility.
The transition has left her searching for some new hobbies to enjoy.
I picked up some flowers at Hobby Lobby and asked her to arrange them for me.
I think she did a great job.  Don't you?  She really enjoyed it, which is what I hoped would happen.  Now she is ready to try it again with some fall flowers. 
If you know anyone in need of something to fill their long days, why not try this?  You will feel so good for helping them become useful again.  Perhaps a person  could even sell them for a little extra spending money.
By the way, I got the green planter at Goodwill, and I also got this blue one there.
I cut some fresh knockout roses and fixed up this one for our table.
By the way, this is the rooster I bought at Goodwill.
And this is the log cabin picture I got at Goodwill.
By now you are thinking I am pathetic aren't you.
I know you are.
Yes, those are socks hanging on the kitchen chair.  It was laundry day.
I do go to other stores besides Goodwill.  This little caddy I got at Hobby Lobby.
It looks great holding our silverware.


 I got off track again.  Sorry about that, but I get so excited telling you about my deals.
If you have a friend who is confined inside, perhaps you can encourage them to write about the family history, or embroider, or paint pictures.  It might make their life a little better :)

I hope you give it a try.




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